How to Do the Kas Glute Bridge

Hiit Workout
4 min readApr 6, 2024


If you’re looking to strengthen your glutes and improve your overall fitness, the Kas Glute Bridge is a must-try exercise. This simple yet effective movement targets your glute muscles, helping to activate and strengthen them for better performance in daily activities and workouts.

In this article, we’ll dive into what the Kas Glute Bridge is, how to do it correctly, and the benefits of incorporating it into your fitness routine.

What is the Kas Glute Bridge?

The Kas Glute Bridge is a variation of the traditional glute bridge exercise. It was created by fitness expert and personal trainer, Kas, as a way to specifically target and activate the glute muscles.

The exercise involves lying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. From this position, you lift your hips off the ground, squeezing your glutes at the top of the movement. The exercise also incorporates a resistance band, adding an extra challenge to the exercise.

How to Do the Kas Glute Bridge

To perform the Kas Glute Bridge, follow these steps:

  1. Begin by lying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Place a resistance band just above your knees.
  2. Engage your core and squeeze your glutes as you lift your hips off the ground, pushing through your heels.
  3. Hold the position for a few seconds, then slowly lower your hips back to the ground.
  4. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

It’s important to maintain proper form throughout the exercise. Keep your core engaged and avoid arching your back. Also, make sure to keep tension on the resistance band throughout the movement.

Benefits of the Kas Glute Bridge

The exercise offers a variety of benefits, making it a valuable addition to any fitness routine. Here are some of the top benefits of this exercise:

Glute Activation

The primary benefit of the Kas Glute Bridge is its ability to activate and strengthen the glute muscles. Many people have weak glutes due to a sedentary lifestyle or improper form during exercises. The exercise specifically targets the glutes, helping to activate and strengthen them for better overall function.

Improved Posture

Weak glutes can also contribute to poor posture. By strengthening these muscles, the Kas Glute Bridge can help improve your posture and reduce the risk of back pain and injuries.

Better Athletic Performance

Strong glutes are essential for many athletic movements, such as running, jumping, and squatting. By incorporating the Kas Glute Bridge into your routine, you can improve your glute strength and power, leading to better performance in sports and other physical activities.

Injury Prevention

Weak glutes can also increase the risk of injuries, particularly in the knees and lower back. By strengthening these muscles, the Kas Glute Bridge can help prevent injuries and improve overall joint stability.

Tips for Mastering the Kas Glute Bridge

To get the most out of the exercise, here are some tips to keep in mind:

Start with Bodyweight

If you’re new to the Glute Bridge, it’s best to start with just your bodyweight. This will allow you to focus on proper form and gradually build strength before adding resistance.

Use a Resistance Band

Once you’ve mastered the bodyweight version, you can add a resistance band to increase the challenge. The band will add resistance throughout the entire movement, making it more challenging for your glutes.

Engage Your Core

To maintain proper form and get the most out of the exercise, it’s essential to engage your core throughout the movement. This will help stabilize your body and prevent any arching in your back.

Squeeze Your Glutes

At the top of the movement, make sure to squeeze your glutes for a few seconds before lowering your hips back to the ground. This will help activate and strengthen these muscles.

Breathe Properly

It’s important to breathe properly during the Kas Glute Bridge. Inhale as you lower your hips to the ground and exhale as you lift them back up. This will help you maintain proper form and prevent any strain on your body.

Incorporating the Kas Glute Bridge into Your Routine

The exercise can be incorporated into your routine in a variety of ways. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

As a Warm-Up

The Kas Glute is an excellent exercise to include in your warm-up routine. It will help activate your glutes and prepare them for more challenging movements.

As a Finisher

You can also use the Kas Glute Bridge as a finisher at the end of your workout. This will help you burn out your glutes and get an extra burn before cooling down.

In a Circuit

The Kas Glute can also be incorporated into a circuit workout. You can alternate it with other exercises to create a full-body workout that targets multiple muscle groups.


The Kas Glute Bridge is a simple yet effective exercise that can help activate and strengthen your glutes. By incorporating it into your routine, you can improve your posture, athletic performance, and reduce the risk of injuries. Remember to start with proper form and gradually increase the challenge as you build strength. With consistency and dedication, you’ll master the Kas Glute Bridge and reap its many benefits.

